
Showing posts from May, 2019

Acne Problem Treatment In Teenagers

Teenagers Acne on the Rise!!! Acne is not just a problem for teenagers. If you suffer from adult acne, then you are NOT alone either!!! Here are some interesting statistics for you: Did you know that 68% (53 million people) of the 77 million Americans who have suffered from acne in a six month period are aged between 25 years of age and 50? Staggering numbers!!! Furthermore, only 10% of those who suffer from adult acne actually seek a treatment for it. Brief overview on adult acne. Most of us have suffered from acne at some point during our adolescence, but we are led to believe that our acne will clear up as we reach our twenties. The unfortunate truth about the above statement is that for many adult acne sufferers, this is not the case. Many people find their acne condition worsening as they enter their twenties and thirties, thus suffering from adult acne. Others, who have always had clear skin begin to develop blemishes and pimples - adult acne - for the first time ...